Thursday, 24 May 2012

3D Holographic Technology is feflect to next future technology

Apple technology 3D Holographic technology  is a technology which produce holographic images from 360 degree from one location to other and it will refresh 30 frames per second in every two seconds.It is introduced by
Professor Nasser Peyghambarian from University of Arizona .He is a optical science professor and led his team discover this method. Using 3D Holographic images were recorded using photorefractive polymer material and holographic stereographic technique.Then the images write by using a 50 Hz nanosecond pulsed laser.This technology are current used in:
-video teleconferencing.
- 3-D battle maps for the military
-used in consumer packaging of products and advertisement to attract potential
-Holograms are used on magazine/book cover.
-Holograms are also used on sports trading cards.
-Hologram usage on credit cards, debit cards, I-cards, license etc. provide
  added  security to  minimize counterfeiting.
-used to make archival recordings of valuable and fragile museum artifacts.
-Researchers and industry designers use holographic interferometry to test and design many things like tires, engines to prosthetic limbs and artificial bones and joints.
-Holographic lens system to read bar codes is widely seen in supermarket and department store scanners.
-Holographic optical elements (HOE's) are used while navigating by airplane pilots. In some military aircraft, pilots while looking through the windshield can read their instruments by using a holographic display projected in front of their eyes.
-Holographic technology is used in medical science in the form of MRI, CAT scan, X-ray, endoscopy, opthalmology etc.


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